If I Don't Self Immolate Will I Ever Be Understood?
By andrw fx
Published by Hello America Stereo Cassette
"heavy and dark, beautiful as it is painful. Their new book, Every Thing, knocked me the fuck out. This tape, If I don't self immolate will I ever be understood?, builds on the power of that novel. Musically, this is as large as a wall--a dense, brooding tapestry of noise and drones, forceful then soft as lace, mean yet never harsh. These stories feel as human as your own flesh, as true as the dome of sky arcing above you. Cassette is the way to experience this one--warm, fuzzy, analog. A lot is lost when you hear it digitally. This is an intimate experience, something best heard alone and over headphones. Turn it up loud. Let it wash over you. Let it fuckin' gush." -Adam Gnade