Launch Me to the Stars, I'm Finished Here
By Nick Gregorio
Published by Trident Press, 2023
366 pages, paperback
Astrid would rather blast off into space than suffer through her mental health struggles. Literally. Alongside astrophysicist and engineer, Doctor Barbara Loonsfoot, Astrid schemes and pilfers the components for a ship capable of reaching a lightyears-away world.
Astrid’s mother, Cassie, and best friend, Willa, have spread themselves thin. Astrid attempted to take her own life not long ago, and they are doing everything they can to keep her from sinking to those depths again. Cassie has even turned to an eccentric new psychiatrist—a one Doctor Barbara Loonsfoot—to aid in Astrid’s ongoing recovery.
But Loonsfoot and Astrid’s ship needs one more thing: uranium. And there happens to be a nuclear power plant nearby.
Praise for Launch Me to the Stars, I'm Done Here...
“Get sucked into the vortex that is Gregorio’s knack for intrigue. Leave yourself unapologetically starry-eyed, morphed into a celestial body comfortably rooted in a fumbling humanity. Nick shakes loose your shallow pretensions with a ride through your own nostalgic future.” -Claire Hopple, author of Echo Chamber
“Nick Gregorio once again catapults us to outer space with his latest novel, Launch Me to the Stars, I’m Finished Here. Tender and grounded, the story takes the reader on a journey through the minefields of navigating mental health struggles in a way that is both genuine and engaging. As always, Gregorio showcases his unique ability to craft characters you can’t help but root for within his taut and lyrical prose, and he builds to an ending that is as wonderful as it is well-earned. Launch Me to the Stars is certainly in its own stratosphere.”-Jane-Rebecca Cannarella, author of Thirst and Frost
“Launch Me to the Stars, I’m Finished Here is a beautiful meditation on the distances we go for the ones we love. Call it sci-fi if you want, but behind the spaceships and talk of theoretical physics is an outstretched hand to anyone struggling to keep going. A reminder that we matter. Gregorio navigates the greatest expanse to bring us something essential, leaving us with a sense of wonder and hope for the days ahead, wherever they may be." -Francis Daulerio, author of Joy and With a Difference
“Launch Me to the Stars, I’m Finished Here is both cosmic-suburban heist adventure and profound exploration of mental illness, friendship, and family. Funny, exciting, and heartfelt—don’t miss this.” -Stephanie Feldman, author of Saturnalia